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The main reason for My Pet crash at start-up is that the application database might be corrupted. This usually happens after upgrading to the latest version and if the already installed application is at least 2 versions back.
Start My Pet into Fail-safe mode and send the corrupted database using e-mail to My Pet support team. The support team will fix the corruption and send you an e-mail with a code. Start again My Pet into Fail-safe mode insert the code and download the operational database. After download and restoration completion, disable fail-safe mode and start My Pet again.
There will be no data loss during this process
Info: Fail-safe mode is available in version 1.8 and later
The main reason for My Pet crash at start-up is that the application database might be corrupted. This usually happens after upgrading to the latest version and if the already installed application is at least 2 versions back.
Start My Pet into Fail-safe mode, select Tools tab, make sure that Repair Database tab is selected and tap in Check & Repair Database button. When procedure finish, disable fail-safe mode and start My Pet again.
There will be no data loss during this process
Info: Fail-safe mode is available in version 1.8 and later
When use Fail-safe mode
Use Fail-safe mode only when application crashes during start up.
Enable/Disable Fail-safe mode
Go to device Settings and scroll down the list, find My Pet option and select it. Enable (switch on) Failsafe Mode option. Start My Pet application.
When My Pet starts in fail-safe mode, you have 2 options:
– Send Database to My Pet
– Get Database from My Pet
Send Database to MyPet
By selecting this option, you can send the corrupted database to My Pet support team for fix. Tap in Send Database button write a short description of problem, including your device iOS version and send the e-mail. We fix your database and will contact with you as soon as possible.
Get Database from MyPet
When fix of your database completes we will send you a code. Select this option, insert the mailed code and tap in Download and Restore Database button to download and restore the fixed database from web. When restoration completesstop My Pet application, disable the Fail-safe mode (from device settings) and start My Pet application.
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Web Access is a portal, which enables you to upload your pet records (which located in your device) into the Cloud. Once the records uploaded into My Pet cloud, you can login in Web Access portal (using a web browser) and access your records anytime from anywhere.
Web Access is very useful in cases that you are in the veterinary office or in a clinic and the veterinarian must have access to your pet’s medical records.
Note: If you are veterinarian, Web Access may be used as an application that can be used to have access to your “customers” medical records.
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To back up My Pet database in your device local filesystem complete the following procedure.
1. Go to Admin (More -> Admin)
2. Tap in: Database Backup (in this device)
The database will be backed up in your device local filesystem.
Note! Photo/Video galleries and Document Library will be not backed up using this option.
To back up My Pet database in My Pet cloud complete the following procedure.
1. Enable Internet connection in your device
2. Go to Admin (More -> Admin)
3. Tap in: Database Backup (in cloud)
The database will be backed up in My Pet cloud.
Important! The procedure may take some minutes to complete (depending of the network speed). Wait until the upload complete.
Note! Photo/Video galleries and Document Library will be not backed up using this option.
My Pet supports iCloud back up and restore.
Preparation for iCloud Back Up
Use this option just before start a back up of your device in iCloud. This option will prepare all My Pet data (database, photos, videos and documents) be backed up in iCloud.
1. Go to Admin (More -> Admin)
2. Tap in: iCloud Backup/Restore option
3. Select iCloud Backup prepare and tap in Prepare Data
This will prepare My Pet application to be backed up in iCloud. Now you are ready to back up your device in iCloud.
Note! Remove Data button, reverts the prepare procedure.
iCloud Restore
Use this option just after your device restoration from an iCloud backup. This option will restore the local database and your pet’s media folder (photos, videos and documents) from the data downloaded from iCloud.
Attention! This procedure will replace all data and is not reversible!
My Pet supports multiple pet track and administration. To add a pet: Select “My Pets” tab. In pets main screen, tap in add button “+” upper right to add a new pet.
Since version 2.2; My Pet enables the user to set his favorite pet photo as home screen background.